Sunday 26 April 2015

This Is Not A Time To Be Unwell !

Bob & I returned from holiday on Thursday. I was scheduled for a minor surgical proceedure the following day. This required I rest my leg and keep it elevated for 48 hours. Due to a piece of abysmally bad planning I came down with a very bad chest infection on the way home from Wales.

Bob was horrified..not by my illness but by my being too unwell to operate his vast publicity machine. I hoped he might possibly  begin to appreciate my value to his impeding electoral campaign(A quick reality check....This is Curly Bob we are talking about is it not???....Ed) Sadly my hopes were dashed when Bob gave me a long list of jobs I could do from my sick bed. One of these was to post "Winter Storm, Black Point #2", oil on canvas from 2011.

I have to tell you that if his rosette doesn't arrive by tomorrow, as planned, I am moving out!

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