Saturday 25 January 2020

I plan to spend the weekend in my studio delving into the delights of knife painting. My first attempt yesterday was very satisfying and the results will be published as soon as the painting is dry enough to handle. There is something deeply therapeutic about moving mounds of paint and blending colours across the canvas. the effects are quite unlike those gained with a brush.

I have also been very busy this week. Promotion of my profile & Page on social networking continues, especially on Facebook.

The aim is to draw people from Facebook and this blog towards our shop on Etsy or Ebay. Direct sales are not the primary object . Rather we want to drive up the traffic levels on Etsy & Ebay.

People looking for paintings on Etsy or Ebay should then find us more easily.

If looking for my work on EBay UK search under "Vanbear7". I can't provide a direct link because each item is listed separately and the addresses change every month.

By looking on Etsy visitors will effectively be helping us raise money for donations without spending anything.

Meanwhile I am continuing to publish items from the archive whenever I get the chance. This one is called "Greek Island Church" , oil on canvas, 2004.

"Greek Island Church" , oil on canvas, 2004.

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