Curly Bob was up early as our postman has changed his round and now delivers early morning rather than after lunch . Bob was sat on the stairs eagerly awaiting his rosette when there was a thud while we were having breakfast. That was followed by Bob tearing open the envelopes whereupon he emitted a cry of joy...yes his rosette had arrived at long last!
Now his political campaign can begin in earnest. However I was forced to point out that there was a minor problem with all this. Bob has been so busy with his campaign and manifesto etc he had completely overlooked that I had been promised a much larger rental unit at Botany Bay, Chorley which is scheduled to open this Friday. This is a much larger retail outlet which should be able to display 30 plus of my works for sale.
Clearly there was a clash of interests especially as Bob would be expected to attend the grand opening on Friday morning. It would be necessary to launch the internet promotion the same day ready for the Bank Holiday weekend here in the U.K. Bob pondered this for several minutes and then jumped into action.
The opening at Botany Bay could go ahead on Friday and his political juggernaut could be unleashed on the world on Monday. In any case Bob believes the British public are sick of all the promises and allegations after 5 weeks of campaigning by the other parties which will give him an edge in the election.
The house is now a hive of activity(no pun intended) as Bob fortifies himself with stocks of his favourite honey to sustain him through what promises to be a very long night.
As always he finds the time to select one from my back catalogue.."Sunrise, Snowdon Horseshoe", an oil on canvas from circa 2008.
Now his political campaign can begin in earnest. However I was forced to point out that there was a minor problem with all this. Bob has been so busy with his campaign and manifesto etc he had completely overlooked that I had been promised a much larger rental unit at Botany Bay, Chorley which is scheduled to open this Friday. This is a much larger retail outlet which should be able to display 30 plus of my works for sale.
Clearly there was a clash of interests especially as Bob would be expected to attend the grand opening on Friday morning. It would be necessary to launch the internet promotion the same day ready for the Bank Holiday weekend here in the U.K. Bob pondered this for several minutes and then jumped into action.
The opening at Botany Bay could go ahead on Friday and his political juggernaut could be unleashed on the world on Monday. In any case Bob believes the British public are sick of all the promises and allegations after 5 weeks of campaigning by the other parties which will give him an edge in the election.
The house is now a hive of activity(no pun intended) as Bob fortifies himself with stocks of his favourite honey to sustain him through what promises to be a very long night.
As always he finds the time to select one from my back catalogue.."Sunrise, Snowdon Horseshoe", an oil on canvas from circa 2008.