Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Bob Still Busy

Curly Bob is still scratching away in his study. Meanwhile yet another note to direct I post "Dawn, Worsley", oil on canvas, 2011.

It was painted from memory of a visit there early one morning.

Monday, 6 April 2015

It's Nearly Finished!

Amid the sound of scribbling plus tapping of keyboard and Ipad Curly Bob is close to completing his party's political manifesto. Knowing Bob as I do I cannot see why it is taking so long. He is so single minded with regard to the way he perceives the world I would have expected it to cover no more than a sheet of A5 paper.

However I have been wrong before now and as soon as the "Do Not Disturb" sign is removed from his bedroom door then his fans around the world will have an idea as to what he is up to.

I await his revelation with mixed feelings because Bob's ignorance of life in general is positively breathtaking. I haven't had the heart to tell him that most of his many fans and supporters across the globe will not be eligible to vote in a U.K. election.

Anyway, as I passed his door this morning I found another note in his usual bear scrawl. If I have read it correctly he bids me post "Stonehenge", another oil on canvas from way back. We did visit Stonehenge many years ago but Bob had his snout in his Rupert Bear book so he directed my efforts based on photographs.

As always all comments welcome.

Friday, 3 April 2015

A Happy & Peaceful Easter to Everyone

No manifesto from Bob as yet. He took great offence at not being invited to take part in the U.K. Election Debate broadcast last night on television. He felt that with nearly 1600 Google Plus followers and 1000 Twitter followers he was guaranteed a place in the debate. I tried to explain that he might well need a few more before the TV companies  took any notice of him.

Letters of complaint are being written at this very moment which is keeping him busy for a while at least.

Before this political maelstrom erupted Bob and I were debating what we should publish for Easter. Bob is surprisingly well read on some subjects. He pointed out that the Jewish observance of Passover is marked this year and runs over the Christian period of Easter.

Thursday, 2 April 2015

The Manifesto Grows

Curly Bob is still hard at work on the manifesto. During a comfort break(Ice cream & honey) he directed I publish "Snowdon Horseshoe, Winter", oil on canvas 2012.

We are slowly working through the back catalogue which we hope to clear in the next month or two.

This work was done by using a knife for most of the painting except the sky. I remember it well because we were in Llanberis, North Wales in February and it was a very cold day. I say "we" in general terms. I was stood outside the car sketching with watercolours  whilst wearing gloves and receiving very odd looks from passing drivers. I don't doubt they were wondering if I should be committed or not. Meanwhile Bob was in the car with the heater on full sporting a new muffler, hat and gloves. Advice was offered via notes held up to the window. That is the way of things as Bob is usually far too professional to get cold and/or wet in the furtherance of art.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Curly Bob's Manifesto Not Ready

Bob has been hard at it overnight working on his party's manifesto. I could hear him tapping away on my keyboard late into the night. I have no idea what he will come up with as it is a closely guarded secret and unlike Westminster there are no leaks here either by design or subterfuge. The political world waits....

Meanwhile, I found another note pushed under my bedroom door directing that I publish "Self Portrait 2012", an oil on canvas. 

I am not sure if that reflected my own personal state or a portent of the worry the worry of when Bob was to be kidnapped in the Yucatan in April 2013. For those taken with technical matters it was executed entirely with a knife.

Monday, 30 March 2015

Curly Bob Is To Seek Election in May 2015!

After much soul searching Curly Bob has announced his intention to stand for election in the  May 2015 . I explained that he would need a manifesto and publicity machine if he is to compete with the major political parties. There was also the question of his deposit to secure his eligibility in the electoral process.

Bob asked if I would lend him the money and he is now working on his manifesto and title of his party. The political world waits with baited breath.

Meanwhile Bob has taken a break from such weighty matters to ask me to post "Calanque et un Arbre", an acrylic on canvas from 2014

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

I've Been Framed!

Curly Bob called a very brief management meeting today. In line with the proposed expansion of Curly Bob's Art Emporium (retail) at the end of April he has decided we need a makeover in the frame department.

We have been using untreated wood frames out of personal choice around our house, including Bob's den.
I pointed out to Bob that not everyone wants a minimalist look to their frames and he could not deny the fairness of my case. That said he was soon onto the local DIY to order wood stain and wax in 2 tasteful colours. Of course Bob was far too professional to offer to help with the work as such items are very bad for his fur. 

However,he was gracious enough to provide me with a complete inventory of our frames and a printed time table setting out a (strict) schedule to be followed. He was quite confident that they would all be completed by this weekend provided I did not sleep too much in between. 

When I had completed that task I would be free to complete the  preparation work on all the available paintings to make them ready for sale.

Meanwhile I have been instructed to publish "Lighthouse, Evening Light #2", an oil on canvas circa 2003. It is one of a series of 4 with a lighthouse in each.