Sunday, 11 October 2015

Going South!

Curly Bob has mailed to confirm rumours that he is going south. Readers might be forgiven for thinking this refers to his character but he was in fact letting me know he has set off for the South of France and will meet up with us on our annual holiday to Avignon in Provence. He has been attracted by the promise of late September/October sunshine and to clear his head.

This is not entirely surprising considering he has been holed up in the coffee shops of Amsterdam together with his rescue parties, for some weeks now. Bob found some of the clientele in the said coffee shops to  be below what he considers to be his social standing ( Wonders will never cease...Ed)

I shall be setting off without delay to head him off before he gets into any more mischief. His message was delayed in transit so I expect him to be there when I arrive.

The final part of his missive was an instruction to post "Village Aux Montagnes" without delay to set a Provencale tone to the upcoming postings. This was an oil on canvas from several years ago.

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Still Missing (Including The Search Parties!)

Avid readers of Bob's exploits on this blog will recall he went missing during our holiday in Amsterdam. He was last seen making his merry way to a local "coffee shop" ostensibly to make new contacts in the art world. Now our law abiding readers may not be familiar with the social setup in Amsterdam.
Basically if you want a drink of coffee, a meal or drink of a "normal" nature in this beautiful city then you go to a cafe. However if you are seeking refreshment of an altogether different variety( i.e. what would be illegal in most parts of the world..Ed) then you go for a "coffee shop" I am told that on emerging from such a visit you may be so laid back the limbo dancing under a door is no real problem.
Requests for search parties were flooded with volunteers many of whom have not been seen since. No doubt Bob will be safely back home when he returns to planet earth.

Meanwhile I have taken an executive decision to post "Niklik", for Yvonne wherever she is now. A watercolour from 2008.

Saturday, 5 September 2015

Still in Amsterdam

Yet again I am concerned because Bob has not come back from holiday after some 2 weeks. He went with us to Amsterdam by train but we went our seperate ways soon after arrival. Apparently Bob was very interested in locating some coffee shops.???

After making some enquiries it seems that coffee shops in Amsterdam are not primarily purveyors of coffee. I have since learned ,for that, you need to visit a cafe. A garbled email from Bob said that his research was going well and he was sampling lots of the local produce. Originally I assumed this was a reference to the excellent apple pie and cream sold by many Amsterdam cafes but now I am not too sure.

The wording of the email and the repeated references to "cake" lead me to fear the worst and that Bob is now actively engaged in trying out the local produce.

While the problem is being resolved I have taken an executive decision and now publish "Cwm Idwal", an acrylic from 2014. It is fitting to choose a Snowdonia scene as we plan to be leaving some paintings at St David's Hospice Shop in Lllandudno on Sunday. 2 will be views of Snowdonia  and 2 from Provence. All works will be published in this blog in due course.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Getting Ready For His Holiday!

Curly Bob called home this morning to tell me he is going on a holiday . he has been working very hard for his constituents and promoting his Art Emporium at Botany Bay, Chorley showcasing my paintings. Regular readers of this blog will be aware that there could be percieved inconsistencies between Bob's track record so far and the concept of hard work. (You can say that again...Ed).

However he has been very active in promoting my work and he tells me his fur is in need of some sprucing up which usually requires some sunshine and a great amount of partying. I reminded him of the unfortunate incidents in the Yucatan and the fact that the French Authorities are still looking for him. Indeed they have promised him that a room awaits him solely for his own use but the view might not be what he has become used to.

Bob assured me he will be on his best behaviour at all times. Meanwhile I am instructed to post a new work that I completed earlier this year.

So here is "Le Sentier Au Village", an acrylic on canvas from June 2015.

Thursday, 9 July 2015

Curly Bob Opens His New Web Site!

Bob has been nagging me to restore his web site which has been awaiting a much needed overhaul. Of course that's O.K. for Bob to say because he didn't have to wade through a sea of help files to get the thing up and running.

We had a video conference this morning and we agreed that the update is a provisional one pending the arrival of Autumn / Winter. I asked him if he would prefer me to paint more artworks while it is still warm enough to work outside or sit indoors playing on the P.C. After some thought( 1/2 secs...Ed) he agreed that would be sufficient for now but he expected a much more sophisticated vehicle for his outstanding talents??? by the end of Autumn.

Meanwhile you are all welcome to have a look at the new web site which contains over 120 works from over the years. I also plan to publish various studies and holiday sketches as and when these become available.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Waiting For The Duck House!

Curly Bob left for the bright lights of London some 2 weeks ago and not much has been heard from him since then. I assumed he was busy with the business of the House of Commons etc so I was not unduly worried.

The first suggestion that all might not be well was when I came across an article in the Rotten Borough Gazette, one of the main newspapers in the borough( The only one actually....Ed). It made reference to dubious expenses claims made by members despite the all too recent scandals concerning the same problem. It was when I saw a reference to claims for several duck houses, lorry loads of ice cream and honey together with a crate or two of "Hobgoblin Ale" that alarm bells began to ring.

My best efforts to contact Bob were to no avail but I did receive an email directing that I post "Spanish Village #2", an oil on canvas from around 2010.

I suspect this will not be the last we hear of this.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Rotten Borough's New BMP Unveiled !

Having been duly elected by the populace of the said borough Curly Bob is now a serving Member of Parliament for the next 5 years or at least that is the plan.Before embarking on a resume of the election's aftermath Bob has asked me to post "Sunrise, Snowdon Horseshoe", an oil on canvas from several years ago following one of our many happy holidays in North Wales.

Journalistic hacks have been hounding Bob ever since the rumours concerning the election count reared their ugly head. At first it was thought to be merely sour grapes by Bob's opponents. That was until one of the more knowledgeable, (more like more sober ...Ed), residents of Rotten Borough pointed out that there were no other opponents.

Furthermore some closer scrutiny of the Borough electoral roll showed there were just 689 residents of voting age whereas the total number of votes cast for Curly Bob  were in excess of 8000!

Even the slowest of our residents could see that there was something amiss. Once the hacks could smelled blood there was no stopping them. A little more digging revealed that in the total figure of 8216 were the following items:-

Google followers    2100

Twitter followers  1250

Facebook Friends    166

Pinterest followers   50

Residents             3566

Clearly Rotten Borough was living up to its's name. Whilst writing this blog I have endeavoured to avoid using expletives and 4 letter words  but Rotten Borough appears to be in a worse state than F***, the infamous football body run until recently by Septic Splatter. No doubt further revelations are pending.

All that said Bob was not allowing anything to spoil his victory celebrations. He can be seen below enjoying a glass of his favourite "Hobgoblin" like a true "Bear of The People".