Thursday, 9 July 2015

Curly Bob Opens His New Web Site!

Bob has been nagging me to restore his web site which has been awaiting a much needed overhaul. Of course that's O.K. for Bob to say because he didn't have to wade through a sea of help files to get the thing up and running.

We had a video conference this morning and we agreed that the update is a provisional one pending the arrival of Autumn / Winter. I asked him if he would prefer me to paint more artworks while it is still warm enough to work outside or sit indoors playing on the P.C. After some thought( 1/2 secs...Ed) he agreed that would be sufficient for now but he expected a much more sophisticated vehicle for his outstanding talents??? by the end of Autumn.

Meanwhile you are all welcome to have a look at the new web site which contains over 120 works from over the years. I also plan to publish various studies and holiday sketches as and when these become available.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Waiting For The Duck House!

Curly Bob left for the bright lights of London some 2 weeks ago and not much has been heard from him since then. I assumed he was busy with the business of the House of Commons etc so I was not unduly worried.

The first suggestion that all might not be well was when I came across an article in the Rotten Borough Gazette, one of the main newspapers in the borough( The only one actually....Ed). It made reference to dubious expenses claims made by members despite the all too recent scandals concerning the same problem. It was when I saw a reference to claims for several duck houses, lorry loads of ice cream and honey together with a crate or two of "Hobgoblin Ale" that alarm bells began to ring.

My best efforts to contact Bob were to no avail but I did receive an email directing that I post "Spanish Village #2", an oil on canvas from around 2010.

I suspect this will not be the last we hear of this.